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E-Resource (Open Access/Free)
1. Inflibnet :
e-shodh sindh (https://ess.inflibnet.ac.in )
N-List (https://nlist.inflibnet.ac.in/vabout.php )(ADC LIBRARY SUBSCRIBED)
Shodh Shuddhi ( https://pds.inflibnet.ac.in )
Shodh Ganga ( https://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in)
e-PG Pathshala ( https://epgp.inflibnet.ac.in )
Shodh Gangotri ( https://shodhgangotri.inflibnet.ac.in )
Vidwan ( https://vidwan.inflibnet.ac.in )
2. Indian Academy Science E-Journal :
( https://www.ias.ac.in )Publication of scientific journals has been a major activity of the Academy since its formation in 1934 and the Proceedings of the Indian Academy of Sciences Part A and Part B began publication that very year. The Academy today publishes 12 journals, several of which grew out of the original Proceedings.
(https://www.niscair.res.in/) introduced academic courses and research programme leading to PhD and M.Sc. in Science & Technology Communication (Sciences) under the Faculty of Mathematical & Information Sciences of the Academy of Scientific & Innovative Research (AcSIR), an institution of national importance established by an Act of Parliament.
4. Swayam :
( https://swayam.gov.in ) provides Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) with 140 universities approved credit transfer feature. Students enrolled in Jan-20 & in total are 26 Lakhs & 1.57 Cr respectably. Total 1900+ courses covering school & higher education.
5. Swayam Prabha :
(https://www.swayamprabha.gov.in) provides high quality educational programs 24*7 through 32 DTH channels. Around 56,000 total videos have been telecasted covering school & higher education. It has 3+ crores total views on Youtube since inception.
6. NDL (National Digital Library) :
(https://ndl.iitkgp.ac.in/) is a repository of e-content on multiple disciplines from primary to PG levels. It has 4.3 crores content (Text / Audio / Video / Simulation /Graphics), harvested from 250 sources; in 300+ languages. NDL has 55 Lakhs + registered users.
7. E-Yantra :
( https://www.e-yantra.org ) provides hands on experience on embedded systems. It has about 380 Lab and made 2300+ colleges benefited.
8. Virtual labs :
( http://www.vlab.co.in ) has developed Web-enabled curriculum based experiments designed for remote – operation. Its 275 labs with 2200+ experiments made 18+ Lakhs students benefitted.
( https://fossee.in ) is acronym for Free/Libre and Open Source Software for Education, which developed, promote open source softwares for education as well as professional use.
10. Gyan Darshan :
( http://www.ignouonline.ac.in/gyandarshan ) is a web based TV channel devoted to educational and developmental needs for Open and Distance Learner.
11. Gyan Vani :
(105.6 FM Radio) & Gyandhara (web radio) (http://ignouonline.ac.in/Gyandhara ) Gyan Dhara is an internet audio counselling service where students can listen to the live discussions by the teachers and experts on the topic of the day and interact with them through telephone.
12. Diksha :
( https://diksha.gov.in ) is a National Platform for Our Teachers & all other learner.
13. E-pathshala :
( http://epathshala.gov.in ) provides Free access of e-books ( class I to XII) through website and app.
14. E-gyankosh :
( http://egyankosh.ac.in ) is a National Digital Repository to store and share the digital learning resources. Its content developed by the Open and Distance Learning Institutions in the country.
15. Spoken tutorial :
( https://spoken-tutorial.org ) is a Tutorial in IT application which provides self-training in IT fields.
16. NEAT :
( https://neat.aicte-india.org ) is an AI adaptive learning portal. This is an initiative for skilling of learners in latest technologies through a PPP model.
17. Sakshat :
( https://sakshat.ac.in ) is one Stop Education Portal for addressing all the education and learning related needs of students, scholars, teachers and lifelong learners. The portal provides the latest news, press releases, achievements etc related to Ministry of HRD. So visit SAKSHAT to know the world of online learning.
18.Few e-journals :
a. DOAJ ( https://doaj.org )
A multidisciplinary, community-curated directory, the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) gives researchers access to high-quality, peer-reviewed journals.
It has archived more than two million articles from 14,859 journals, allowing you to either browse by subject or search by keyword.
The site was launched in 2003 with the aim of increasing the visibility of open access scholarly journals. Content on the site covers subjects from science to law to fine arts and everything in between
b. CORE ( https://core.ac.uk )
CORE is a multidisciplinary aggregator of open access research. It allows users to search more than 194,902,689 open access articles from over tens of thousands of journals collected from 10,134 data providers around the world.
While most of these link to the full-text article on the original publisher’s site.
In addition to a straightforward keyword search, CORE offers advanced search options to filter results by publication type, year, language, journal, repository, and author.
C. Science Open ( www.scienceopen.com )
Functioning as a research and publishing network, ScienceOpen offers open access to more than 63 million articles in all areas of science. Although you do need to register to view the full text of the articles, registration is free.
Search engine for natural and physical sciences, social sciences, and humanities. Incorporates arXiv, PubMed, and SciELO. Integrated with ORCID for overlay and peer review services. All articles display Altmetric
d. ERIC ( https://eric.ed.gov )
The Education Resources Information Center (ERIC), of the Institution of Education Sciences, allows you to search by topic for material related to the field of education.
The service primarily indexes journals, grey literature (such as technical reports, white papers, and government documents), and books. All sources of material on ERIC go through a formal review process prior to being indexed.
Education literature and resources. Provides access to over 1.3 million records dating back to 1966.
e. PubMed Central (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/)
Central® (PMC) is a free full-text archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature at the U.S. National Institutes of Health’s National Library of Medicine (NIH/NLM).
It contains 6+ million articles from 9000+ journals.
PMC was developed and is managed by NLM’s National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI).
f. Public Library of Science (https://plos.org/)
PLOS is a big player in the world of open access science. Publishing seven open access journals, the nonprofit organization is committed to facilitating openness in academic research.
According to the site, “all PLOS content is at the highest possible level of open access, meaning that scientific articles are immediately and freely available to anyone, anywhere.”
19. E-books :
a. DOAB ( https://www.doabooks.org )
Directory of Open Access Books is a joint service of OAPEN, OpenEdition, CNRS and Aix-Marseille Université.
It provides access to nearly 30000 books from 388 publishes around the world.
b. Open access e-books (https://www.oapen.org/)
Open Access Publishing in European Networks (OAPEN) Library contains freely accessible academic books, mainly in the area of humanities and social sciences.
c. HathiTrust Digital Library (https://www.hathitrust.org/ )
Founded in 2008, HathiTrust is a not-for-profit collaborative of academic and research libraries preserving 17+ million digitized items.
d. Project Gutenberg (http://www.gutenberg.org/)
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks.
Project Gutenberg eBooks are mostly older literary works. Most were published before 1924, with some published in the decades after.
e. National Academies Press Free eBooks (https://www.nap.edu/)
The National Academies Press (NAP) publishes the reports of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The NAP publishes more than 200 books a year on a wide range of topics in science, engineering, and medicine, providing authoritative, independently-researched information on important matters in science and health policy. Nearly 8500 books are available.
20. Internet archives (https://archive.org) :
Internet Archive is a non-profit library of millions of free books, movies, software, music, websites, and more.
330 billion web pages
20 million books and texts
5 million audio recordings (including 180,000 live concerts)
4 million videos (including 1.6 million Television News programs)
3 million images
200,000 software programs
21. Few important databases :
a. Open Access Theses and Dissertations
org aims to be the best possible resource for finding open access graduate theses and dissertations published around the world. Metadata (information about the theses) comes from over 1100 colleges, universities, and research institutions. OATD currently indexes 5,123,617 theses and dissertations.
b. Networked Digital Library of theses and dissertations (NDLTD) (http://www.ndltd.org/)
an international organization dedicated to promoting the adoption, creation, use, dissemination, and preservation of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
There are 59, 34,864 electronic theses and dissertations available.
c. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Open ( https://pqdtopen.proquest.com/)
d. TED talks
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks (18 minutes or less). TED began in 1984 as a conference where Technology, Entertainment and Design converged, and today covers almost all topics — from science to business to global issues — in more than 100 languages. Meanwhile, independently run TEDx events help share ideas in communities around the world.
e. arXiv.org (https://arxiv.org/)
arXiv is a free distribution service and an open-access archive for 1,724,871 scholarly articles in the fields of physics, mathematics, computer science, quantitative biology, quantitative finance, statistics, electrical engineering and systems science, and economics. Materials on this site are not peer-reviewed by arXiv.
f. Online correction (https://www.onlinecorrection.com/)
g. Wordweb dictionary (www.wordweb.info)