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Vision - Mission
Vision - Mission
Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) cell aims to promote creative and innovative educational system by creating opportunities for the students to participate in various activities organized by IIC cell and also frame the culture of start-ups and entrepreneurial ventures.
To conduct several inter and intra level university competitions like proposal for innovative App designing, poster presentation, public speech, short film making, photography and so on to identify the budding talents of Malla Reddy University
To organize both national and international level events like., seminars, conferences, workshops and experts talk on contemporary scientific ideas periodically to stimulate the creative thinking skills
To collaborate within and outside of the University at numerous educational institutions at national and global platforms to accelerate various advanced professional development skills through field trip, science exhibition and so on
To establish the institution as entrepreneur friendly campus by building a strong bond between the university and the Multinational Companies (MNCs) and create several opportunities to understand the culture of start-ups like., participating in short or long-term internships