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Roles & Responsibilities
a) Controller of Examinations
The Controller of Examinations shall be responsible for the conduct of all examinations of the university and it shall be his/her duty to arrange for preparation, scheduling, conduct of examinations of the university and all other contingent matters connected with examinations. The Controller of Examinations in the execution of his/her office shall report to the Vice Chancellor periodically on the performance of his/her duties. The Controller of Examination should take earnest efforts to see that all examinations are conducted as per the schedule mentioned in the academic calendar by MRUH.
The responsibilities of the Controller of Examinations shall include : -
He/she shall be responsible for the conduct of all examinations and it shall be his/her duty to arrange for the preparation, scheduling, evaluation and reporting of all examinations and for the payment of remuneration to question paper setters and examiners and all other contingent matters connected with examinations.
Direct superintending control over the examination wing including examination sections, examination confidential wing, examination stores, examination computer section and records.
Taking decision on all matters related to examinations not falling within the powers of statutory officers of the university
Making necessary arrangements for the safe custody of office files connected with the conduct of examinations of the university, documents, certificates etc. by the officers under whom such documents are kept.
He/she shall convene meetings and issue notices to the Boards of Examiners and committees appointed by the examination cell and conduct official communications thereof.
He/she shall keep the minutes of the Boards of Examiners and all committees appointed by the said Boards.
Taking special care to see that secrecy and confidentiality are kept in connection with all examinations conducted by the university.
Exercising control over the space allotted for the examination wing including that for centralized valuation. Further he/she should ensure that the rooms, building, laboratories, stores etc are well in order / prepared to conduct the examinations.
b) Additional Controller of Examinations
The deputy Controller of Examinations shall manage the sections allotted to him/her by the controller of Examinations.
His / her duties shall include : –
Membership in examination committee
Supervise the office staff of COE’s office and manage the assistants and casual labourers posted to assist the office works, involving physical exertion as and when needed.
Preparation of examination schedules and examination calendar, in consultation with the Controller of Examinations.
Communications at various levels of examination planning, preparation, execution, valuation, tabulation and mark list printing and distribution.
Preparation and printing of answer booklets for various examinations.
Make sure that the question papers are ready before the examinations are scheduled.
Helping COE in all his/her activities (Identifying question paper setters, examiners, actual organization and implementation of examination system)
Make sure that the forms relating to examinations are ready in time (Seating Plan, hall tickets etc.)
All other tasks required for the conduct of evaluation process.
c) Examination Assistants
It shall be the duty of the assistants to carry out all the works assigned to them by the senior officers of the examination cell. They shall be conversant with the rules and regulations necessary for carrying out their duties efficiently. They shall be responsible for:-
Providing assistance for the preparation and printing of answer booklets for various examinations
Providing assistance for the preparation of all concerned forms and registers relating to applications, question paper setting, scrutiny, valuation, tabulation, and Award list in consultation with the deputy Controller of Examinations.
Maintaining registers for inward and outward communications.
In charge of typing / data entry section attached to the examination cell where all examination related typing /data entry works will be carried out.
Ensuring timely completion of the typing/ data entry work, comparing with the draft and if required making appropriate corrections and putting up files properly in consultation with the senior officers.
Processing of applications for registration to examinations and preparation of nominal rolls.
Preparing and dispatching of hall tickets.
Ensuring that the question paper packets are ready before examinations.
Making arrangements for Board meetings of examiners as and when required and ensure that the minutes are recorded.
Assisting the senior officers in the transit of files, communications and stationary.
Keeping examination related records safe and maintaining their confidentiality.
They shall discharge duties entrusted to them by superior officers from time to time.
They shall also ensure that unauthorized persons do not enter the examination section.
d) Activities of the Exam Branch
Confidential Section
EDEP - Electronic distribution of examination papers by downloading the question papers using VPN connected directly to Malla Reddy University (MRU).
Printing the number of question papers in the presence of MRU appointed Observer
After exam, packing and dispatching the sealed packets of answer booklets to MRU
General Section
Collecting the Students thumb impressions, e-sign, photos and other relevant data and submitting to MRU
Issuing the notifications (external/internal) as per MRU rules and regulations
Perusal of student application forms and uploading to MRU
Issuing the hall tickets
Preparation of internal exam timetables for all courses
Displaying the MRU semester/year academic results
Issuing of marks memos
Issuing of Provisional Certificates Consolidated Memorandum of Marks.
Issuing transcripts after complete verification
Analyzing the results and distributing to the corresponding HOD’s.
Valuation of internal answer sheets done only in exam branch
Internal marks are verified by the faculty before freezing in MRU Website
No faculty are allowed to evaluate the answer sheets outside the EB
Evaluated answer sheets are cross verified with other faculty members
All the faculty members are supposed to submit the question bank to EB in the beginning of academic year/semester.
The faculty are instructed to submit the question paper following blooms taxonomy
The question papers for internal/mid exams are prepared from the question bank provided by the individual faculty members
One faculty for 24 students is implemented for external invigilations.
Only teaching faculty are deputed for all invigilations.
Wherever more than two faculty members are allotted for invigilation’s then ensure that one of them is senior along with a male and female invigilators.
The students without ID card and Hall Ticket are not permitted to write the exam.
All the invigilators are instructed to collect the answer sheets and be in the exam rooms 15 minutes before the start of exam to enable verification of the hall ticket and ID cards in comparison with the nominal rolls given by MRU.
EB instructs the faculty to make the students to leave their footwear outside the exam hall.
EB also instructs the faculty to not to carry any electronic gadgets during invigilations.
EB also instructs the faculty to be vigilant for any malpractice cases
All the malpractice cases are dealt according to the rules and regulations of MRU.
Utmost priority is given for smooth conduction of exams.
Fortnightly attendance of the students of all branches is uploaded to university exam portal according to the university almanac
External faculty from different colleges & universities are invited for conducting the lab external exams
Remunerations to external faculty are paid in accordance to MRU rules and regulations
All the detained students are readmitted by accepting the readmission form and processing the same info to MRU
Remunerations of the faculty are distributed immediately after the completion of external exams
Vice Chancellor is the chief superintendent of all exams
Maintaining the credits register
There is always a general meeting to faculty called by COE for explaining all the do’s and don’ts of exams before every external exam.
e) Department Coordinators
Faculty member from each department shall give instructions to the Staff members of the respective departments regarding the following activities
Preparation of the question papers
Fortnightly attendance
Marks submission
Marks uploading in University Portal.