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​​B.SC Bio-Technology, Bio-Chemistry, Microbiology
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Publications affiliated to SOAHS, Malla Reddy University:
Studies on anti-asthmatic activities in Alstonia scholaris. Rupak Kumar Swain, Manisha, Meera Indracanti, B. Padma, Biman Kumar Sarma. Universal Journal of Public Health (Scopus indexed). Accepted in February 2023.
Incidence of opportunistic infections and its predictors among HIV/AIDS Patients on Antiretroviral Therapy in Gondar University Comprehensive and Specialized Hospital, Ethiopia. Mequanente Dagnaw, Haileab Fekadu, Adhanom Gebre Egziabher, Tesfaye Yesfue, Meera Indracanti & Alemu Tebeje.
Journal: HIV Research & Clinical Practice. 24(1): 1-12.
DOI: 10.1080/25787489.2023.2187013 .
Scopus indexed (I.F.: 1.66). March 2023.
Challenges in Eventing Horizontal Gene Transfer. Mahak, Sundarrajan, Amita Sharma, Meera Indracanti, Gautam, Sankalp, Ashkhan, Nidhe Jayaramanraman, Prashanth S. In: Mani, I., Singh, V., Alzahrani, K.J., Chu, DT. (eds) Microbial Genomic Islands in Adaptation and Pathogenicity. Springer, Singapore. April 2023.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-19-9342- 8_16.
ISSN: 978-981-19-9342-8.
Cervical cancer prevalence and associated risk factors in women employees
working star hotels in Gondar town, Ethiopia. Mequanente D, Srinivasan, Mallika, T Ansari, Zewdu B, Alemu, Meera Indracanti. European Online Journal of Natural and Social Sciences (TR &Amp; Web of Science), ÄŒeská Republika, 11, Oct. 2022.
Available at: <https://european- science.com/eojnss/article/view/6514>
Prevalence of sharp injuries and associated factors among health care workers in North Gondar (Debark), West Gondar (Metema), and South Gondar (Addis Zemen) primary hospitals, Northwest Ethiopia. Abebaw Alemayehu, Zewdu Baye, Meera Indracanti. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 15(39): 1987-1996. October 2022.
Serological and molecular detection of Toxoplasma gondii among pregnant women giving birth at the University of Gondar specialized hospital in Gondar town, Northwest Ethiopia. Tsedalu Yirsa, Meera Indracanti, Tejovathi Bandike, Mequanente Dagnaw, Zewdu Seyoum, Nega Berhane. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 15(44): 2403-2412. 2022. December 2022.